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Pip & Nut Maple Peanut Butter Review

I'm obsessed with nut butter. It all started with Pic's crunchy peanut butter, then Barney Butter, then Mayver's.. and all of a sudden I have 10 jars of nut butter in my pantry. Can you tell I LOVE nut butter?

I'm really picky about my nut butters. Before buying them, I was on Google non-stop, searching for the best tasting natural peanut butter. No processed stuff, please! The nut butter reviews on people's blogs and Instagram really helped my find the most delicious nut butter there is! (People do take their nut butter game seriously! Hahaha)

With so much nut butters on my hand, I decided to review them; for my own future reference and so that other nut-loving people out there will never buy another jar of "bad"' nut butter again. Trust me, before stepping up my Google game, I've bought a few nut butter that are just.. gritty and tasteless. But not this Pip & Nut Maple Peanut Butter!

This peanut butter is far from tasteless! IT IS DIVINE. The texture is runny, perfect for drizzling, even when refrigerated. Upon first spoonful, I was a bit lost there with the flavour because I was expecting an intense & bold peanut flavour with a hint of maple. Having been used to the intense flavours in Mayver's PB, I thought it was a bit 'watered down'.

BUT! after trying it a second time, my palette adjusted and learned that this is a much different peanut butter that the one I'm used too, and it gets much better! It's not a typical salty PB, I'd call it a dessert peanut butter just because it's so smooth, silky and glides down your throat perfectly. I love how it's so delicate, even when it's a chunky peanut butter. The chunks are not as many and prominent as how it is in Pic's crunchy PB, but that is what works best with the sweet PB! It needs to be subtle, to balance the silky and lightness of the sweet maple peanut butter. If no one told me this was peanut butter, I would've thought that this was just a really good sweet maple butter and that's a good thing! Don't expect it to be the typical peanut butter and this will be the best thing you'll ever top your pancakes with.

Why go for maple syrup when you can have MAPLE PEANUT BUTTER?

Plus, they're made with all the good-for-you ingredients. Yes they do contain added oils (hence the super silky texture), bit it's coconut oil and not the bad guy: hydrogenated oils! The sweetness comes naturally from maple syrup, not refined sugar and you can't really go wrong with roasted peanuts and sea salt, can you?

Taste: 4/5

Texture: 5/5

Peanut Flavour: 3/5

Maple Flavour: 4/5

Ingredients Quality: 5/5

Price: $$

Perks: IT'S LIMITED EDITION! (Which just ups that special factor by a 100%)

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Nutrition Facts:

Serving size 15 grams | 88 cal | 6.9 grams fat | 0.2 grams carbs | 3.9 grams protein

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