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Welcome to my blog

This blog is dedicated to healthy eating recipes that I make daily, hoping to cook myself skinny. My passion for healthy eating first sparked when I found out about Gwyneth's GOOP diet, after years of crash diets and constant search for a shortcut to skinny. That was when I made my first ever green smoothie, and it was horrifying. I didn't know how to create the perfect balance of fruits and veggies without putting too much of the fruits, let alone knowing which superfoods to add in.

The truth is I am not a vegetarian, let alone a vegan. I have jumped in the raw food wagon, the 801010 or Rawtil4 diet and I truly enjoyed it, but decided that it wasn't for me. Though I am not a vegan, I do love trying to find new ways to eat my (and other's) favorite desserts without packing on the cream and butter. Vegan baking has turned from a desperate measure to eat sweets without getting fat into a hobby, even if there are countless recipes I made that were "uhhh.....".

My interest (or obsession) with diets and healthy food slowly turned into passion, and (slowly as well) I picked up the tricks to cooking flavorful healthy and wholesome food that I don't have a hard time swallowing. There are ways I do to make my smoothie packed with greens and taste like a milkshake, which I've never seen people do, and that's what inspired me to write out my recipes. The other reason is because I keep forgetting my own recipes after a few months or so of not having it (LOL) and...I have of pictures of my food lying around that I don't know what to do with. So hence the food blog, a compilation of my health food experiments.

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